Monday, March 1, 2010

15 minutes of fame . . .

One day my Son and I were walking in the Mall. An old friend that I haven't seen in many years came up to me and we shook hands. We reminisced about old times and he asked me if I still played baseball. I answered that I stopped playing years ago. He stated that it was too bad because he always enjoyed watching me play, he felt that I made the games exciting. He also mentioned several awards that he remembered that I received during my career. I told him that I felt really fortunate to be part of good teams and blessed to have had a good career. I thanked him for those kind words and we parted.
My Son looked at me and said, "you haven't play baseball for 25 years and your friend remembers all of that?" I explained to him that I didn't play to get spotlight or awards. I played because I enjoyed it and that I was again fortunate to play with some really great players. My lesson to him was that everyone gets their 15 minutes of fame, but if do the right things for the right reasons, your 15 minutes of fame can turn into a lifetime.
I want him to always do the right things for the right reasons, then when his 15 minutes of fame comes, he'll have a lifetime to enjoy it.
I hope you all are blessed with a lifetime of fame . . .

1 comment:

  1. "I want him to always do the right things for the right reasons, then when his 15 minutes of fame comes, he'll have a lifetime to enjoy it."

    Words of wisdom from a dad. You did well explaining that to your son.
